  • College hours are from 9 am to 3.00 pm on the normal working days.
  • Identity card compulsory to all students in the campus. It should be produced to authorities for verification at any time and at the time of issuing TC.
  • Ragging is prohibited by law in the college campus.
  • The use of mobile phones by students in the campus is strictly prohibited, and violation of this rule will subject the student to severe disciplinary action.
  • Political activities are banned in the campus by rule (vide: W.A.No.535 of 2003 –judgement dt 26/5/03) of the honourable High court of Kerala. Students should not resort to Gheraos, Bandh, Harthal and any sort of violence within the campus.
  • Plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty, furnishing false information to any college official, faculty or office, forgery, alteration or misuse of any college document, record, or instrument of identification, copying in examination etc. will call for strict disciplinary action amounting to suspension and dismissal.
  • Loitering in the veranda and corridor is strictly prohibited.
  • Any damage caused to furniture, library books, laboratory equipments and other properties of college must be replaced by the student concerned.
  • Perfect discipline and decorum should be maintained.
  • College uniform is compulsory in the campus.
  • Ornaments or flowers should not be worn by any student when she is in the college uniform.
  • Holding meetings, fund collection of any kind by students without obtaining the prior permission of the Principal is strictly forbidden.
  • Non hostellers are not allowed to enter hostel premises without prior permission of the Deans of Residence.
  • No magazines or newspaper is allowed to be brought to the college or hostel without the permission of principal.
  • All students should participate actively in all the curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
  • Muslim students should be regular in their daily prayers and other religious observances.
  • Students should not go out of the campus during class hours without the permission of the principal.
  • Irregular attendance, habitual negligence, disobedience and disrespect to authorities, any kind of cheating, theft, ragging etc are sufficient reasons for taking actions against students. Principal will impose punishments such as fines, cancellation of attendance, withholding Attendance and Progress Certificate (APC), suspension from the college etc.
  • Litter is to be disposed of only in the place/basket allotted for the same.
  • Electronic devices should not be brought to the college or hostels without the permission of the principal. Fine will be levied against those students.
  • Messages communicated by the Principal to the parents/guardians should be promptly responded.
  • Every student should endeavour to attain academic excellence, to imbibe moral values and to uphold the reputation of the college.
  • The principal has the complete authority to amend or modify any rule or regulation.


  • Attendance will be taken every hour. Late comers should enter class only with the permission of the class teacher.
  • Attendance as stipulated by the University is mandatory for all students, to appear for the end semester examination.
  • Minimum attendance requisition for each course: 75% in each semester.
  • A student can appear for a university exam by paying condonation fee, only if the shortage of attendance is maximum of 10 days.
  • If it is more than 10 days it will be treated as NO APC.
  • As per revised regulations of university, there is provision for 2019 admissions that if a student has a shortage of attendance below 65% in a semester, the student shall be permitted to move to the next semester (if attendance is more than 50% - provisional registration) and can write the examination for the entire course of the semester in which shortage of attendance occurs as supplementary examination, only after the completion of entire programme.
  • During the whole period of degree programme a student can pay the condonation for the maximum of 2 times (2017&2018 admissions) and maximum of 4 semesters (2019 admissions).
  • The certificate of attendance and progress (APC) required for admission to a university examination will be forwarded only if the condition are satisfactory.

Benefits of attendance:

  • Attend the approved activities of college with prior to concurrence of the principal.
  • Participation/attendance certificate in   curricular, extracurricular activities to be produced.
  • A benefit of attendance is limited to 9 days in a semester.
  • Absence of a student on any day shall be with prior intimation to the tutor.
  •  Leave application for absence in the class should be submitted to the class teacher sufficiently early or on the next day of availing the leave.
  •  Leave application should be countersigned by the parent.
  •   If a student called for any club activities, she should get the permission from coordinator and hand over it to the class teacher.
  •  No re examination will be conducted for students absent for internal examinations.
  •   In case of continuous absence without informing the authorities for more than 14 working days, name will be removed from the rolls.
  •  Misbehaviour in class or campus will be severely punished.


  • The evaluation scheme for each course consist of two parts.1) Internal assessment 2) External evaluation.
  • 20% weight shall be given to the internal assessment. The remaining 80% weight shall be for the external evaluation.
  • There will be university examinations for each course at the end of the each semester.
  • Practical examinations shall be conducted by the university at the end of every even semester (UG).
  • Project evaluation will be conducted at the end of sixth semester (UG) and fourth semester (PG).
  • The internal evaluation will be based on a predetermined transparent system involving periodic written test, assignments, seminars and attendance in respect of theory courses and based on written tests, lab skill/ records/ viva and attendance in respect of practical courses.
  • Indirect grading system based on 7-point scale for 2017&2018 admissions / indirect grading in 10-point scale for 2019 admissions is used to evaluate the performance of UG students. And direct grading in 4-point scale for 2018 admissions/ direct grading based on 10-point scale for 2019 admissions is used to evaluate the performance of PG students.
  • Appearance for internal evaluation (IE) and End semester evaluation (External) are compulsory and no grade shall be awarded to a candidate if she is absent for IE / ESE or both.
  • An aggregate (Internal + External) of E grade with 40% (P grade with 35% for 2019 admission) marks is required in each course for a pass and for awarding a degree.
  • A student who fails to secure a minimum grade for a pass in a course is permitted to write the examination along with next batch (supplementary).
  • For the successful completion of a semester, a student should pass all courses and score semester grade point average (SGPA) for that semester. However, a student is permitted to move to the next semester irrespective of her SGPA.
  • An overall letter grade (cumulative grade) for the whole programme will be awarded to the students based on the value of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) calculated at the end of a programme, which is the criterion for ranking of the students.
  • The University shall issue to the student’s grade/mark card on completion of each semester, which shall contain the following information.
    1. Name of University
    2. Name of College.
    3. Title of Programme.
    4. Semester Concerned.
    5. Name and register number of candidates.
    6. Code number, Title and Credit points and Letter grade of each Course opted in semester.
    7. Total Credits, Total credit points and SGPA in the semester.
  • The final Grade card issued at the end of final semester shall contain the details of all courses taken during the entire Programme. Final Grade card shall show CGPA, Percentage of Marks and overall letter Grade of a student for the entire programme.


  • There is provision for Inter Collegiate and Inter University transfer in third and fifth semester within a period of 2 weeks from the date of commencement of the semester subjected to University norms.
  • Complementary change at the time of college transfer is permitted in the third semester if all conditions are fulfilled.
  • There shall be provisions for Readmission of students provided
  •  Readmission shall be taken within two weeks from the date of commencement of the semester concerned.


  • Application for Transfer Certificate should ordinarily be made at least two days in advance.
  • Conduct Certificates will ordinarily be issued along with TC.
  • Certificates will be   issued only if the Principal is satisfied with the reason stated by the applicant.
  • Certificates kept in the office will be returned only after clearing all the dues in the college and the hostel.


  • All the students and the members of staff of the college are the members of college library.
  • All the members should pay caution deposit.
  • Books are issued to the students on the basis of reader’s ticket.
  • Duplicate cards will be issued on payment of Rs.50/-
  • UG students can take 2 books at a time whereas PG students can take 4 books.
  • Librarian may recall a book at any time.
  • Books should be returned on or before the stamped date.
  • Members should not sub lend the books library.
  • Only back volumes of magazines and journals will be issued for reference and reading.
  • The penal cost for loss of book borrowed from the library by the students and the members of staff are as follows:
    1. Three times the face value of the book, which is published after 1980.
    2. Five times value of the book published before 1980.
  • If the date of return of a book happens to be a holiday, it shall be returned on the following working day.
  • Library will be kept open from 8 am to 5 pm on all working days and Saturdays.
  • All students are required to register their entry and exit time in the library usage register.
  • Students are not allowed to take any personal belongings to the library other than paper and pen.
  • Strict silence should be maintained in the library and reading room.
  • Students are advised to see the library notice board daily.

Contact Us


Ansar Womens College
Kunnamkulam Calicut Road,
Perumpilavu, Thrissur, Kerala


04885 284 912


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