  • To make officials of the College responsive, accountable and courteous in dealing with the students.
  • To ensure effective solution to the student’s grievances with an impartial and fair approach.
  • To provide means for inviting and collecting grievances from students and staff on all matters concerning with infra structure and support services.
  • To fix boxes for receiving Grievances and to keep record of the grievances and action taken.
  • To establish structured interactions with students and staff to elicit information regarding academic and administrative process and their expectation.
  • To forward the grievance to the Committee for Infrastructure Development and Maintenance, if the grievance involved some new academic or infrastructure facility and policy decisions.
  • Upholding the dignity of the College by ensuring tension free atmosphere in the College by promoting cordial Student-Student relationship and Student -Teacher relationship etc.
  • Encouraging the Students to express their grievances / problems freely and frankly without any fear of being victimized.
  • Advising all the students to refrain from inciting students against other students or teachers and College administration
  • Advising all staffs to be affectionate to the students and not behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason.
  • Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in and outside the institution. Any issues of ragging and violation of disciplinary rules should be urgently brought to the notice of the Principal.

Contact Us


Ansar Womens College
Kunnamkulam Calicut Road,
Perumpilavu, Thrissur, Kerala


04885 284 912


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